Tag: Runescape Gold


R3 Battle of Lumbridge

RuneScape 3 isn’t just about a graphical overhaul, although it would be sad to dismiss its visual improvements. The new version includes a customizable interface, six hours of new music, and lots of technical improvements. This ain’t your slightly-older-brother’s RuneScape, folks; RuneScape 3 is hip, happening, and live right now. The latest iteration of Jagex’s […]


Runescape Nightmare Zone?

Nightmare Zone is a unique mini game brought only to the Old School version of Runescape. It is run by Dominic Onion, who is a mage from Lunar Isle and is located north of Yanille, northwest of the bank. In this mini game, the items you drop manually on the ground will be lost if […]


Waking world is the most important pursuit of ever

After completing this task , you will receive more than 800,000 XP in the form of different skills ( prerequisite level ranging from 65 to 80 ) , five new Ultimate Fighting ability ( up to 85 after the appropriate skills ) and top lights decorative function . You can win more BONUS: a powerful ring , […]


Feedback for world runescape events

I’m going to post this thread to give Jagex feedback on future world events. I doubt they will read it, if they do, I doubt they will even consider it but I’m going to post it nonetheless. So first things first. I thought this whole thing was supposed to be fun? no? well good because […]


Divine location runescape suggestion

I know that they made it so you can only place a single divine location a day, plus a daily limit for balancing reasons, but I really hate this system, so I came up with an idea to make it better. So here’s a simple suggestion: Remove the daily limits, and make it so that […]


Runescape divination suggestion

Overall, I think Divination is an interesting skill. Whilst it’s not boring, it feel’s to be lacking a drive to further excel your level within the skill. Skills such as Smithing, and Crafting are driven by the desire to craft your own Rune armour to sell on, or create your own dragonstone jewelry, in a […]


Just make it downloadable

I don’t get why Jagex keeps holding on to their browser game thingie. I don’t see why downloading the runescape gold game is such a big problem. Look at minecraft, you can play it either in a browser or download it. What’s the big problem with that? Jagex has stated that they are currently restricted […]


Xpcounter fixaddon runescape suggestion

So a couple days ago I was messing with my exp counters, setting some new ones. When I accidentally replaced the wrong one and reset my total exp counter. My suggestion is to add an option to reset one of your counters to show total exp. Maybe a right click somewhere with the option “Show […]


Why is runescape zam armor purple

The Zamorakian warpriest outfit is purple. And pale runescape gold. And magenta. And grey. And dark grey. And orange. I joined Zamorak because I wanted some sweet red and black evil looking armor. This is some confused mish-mash of colors. I really don’t like blue, but the Saradomin set looks much more cohesive and awesome, […]


Just got my runescape primere newsletter

Welcome to the latest edition of the Premier Club Newsletter! Keep an eye on the RuneScape Gold News for all the latest information! Divination is coming this month! By training this all-new skill, you’ll find yourself at the forefront of a new age of discovery, gathering valuable resources and weaving the very threads of fate […]