Category: Runescape


Spellbook page runescape bug

Somehow the telegrab spell teleported me to my poh, after changing from teleports to skill spells i clicked telegrab and it teleid me out of dag kings…… and missed a stack of water talis, Also please make a lock on inv so u can turn off drag drop ..tribriding and u drop weapons instead of […]


Just make it downloadable

I don’t get why Jagex keeps holding on to their browser game thingie. I don’t see why downloading the runescape gold game is such a big problem. Look at minecraft, you can play it either in a browser or download it. What’s the big problem with that? Jagex has stated that they are currently restricted […]


Xpcounter fixaddon runescape suggestion

So a couple days ago I was messing with my exp counters, setting some new ones. When I accidentally replaced the wrong one and reset my total exp counter. My suggestion is to add an option to reset one of your counters to show total exp. Maybe a right click somewhere with the option “Show […]


Combat scaling feedback

Possible spoilers for Death of Chivalry incoming! My combat level is 190+ The combat scaling was absolutely horrible… The only thing that was scaled were the enemies health, which was scaled pretty well. However everything else I swear wasn’t even touched, I don’t think I got hit by the 3 black knights and if they […]


Conquest interface tutorial

I cannot complete the Conquest mini tutorial because the action interface only says “This interface is too small to use. Please enlarge it.” Well I can enlarge it to the entire screen width and it still says the same. I have to exit to lobby at the first action I must take because I can […]


Why is runescape zam armor purple

The Zamorakian warpriest outfit is purple. And pale runescape gold. And magenta. And grey. And dark grey. And orange. I joined Zamorak because I wanted some sweet red and black evil looking armor. This is some confused mish-mash of colors. I really don’t like blue, but the Saradomin set looks much more cohesive and awesome, […]


Just got my runescape primere newsletter

Welcome to the latest edition of the Premier Club Newsletter! Keep an eye on the RuneScape Gold News for all the latest information! Divination is coming this month! By training this all-new skill, you’ll find yourself at the forefront of a new age of discovery, gathering valuable resources and weaving the very threads of fate […]


I want my old runescape back

Firstly let me say: I have been a member for a long time and I used to LOVE Runescape and maybe still would have if it had the same appeal. The only reason that I am still a member is because I can’t be bothered cancelling my membership. I don’t know why jagex continually have […]


Aggression and runescape dungeoneering

Are any monsters aggressive now? (Like Red Spiders and Flesh Crawlers before the EOC) If they are, please list them to me. Also, how do I dungeoneer in the EOC? (I haven’t dungeoneered since Runescape EOC) And by this I mean, for example, I would usually bind 2 things: the weapon and body for my […]


Runescape 3 interface

So i have quit/taken a break from rs for a few months now and have been playing another Runescape 3 Gold game which i will not name to prevent locking of this thread, but the first thing i noticed was the interface, some people may like the new spread out thing where you can pull […]