RS farming Cactus

Cactus can be grown in the Al Kharid cactus patch with level 55 RuneScape farming. No cheapest runescape gold for sale farmer watches over cactus, but cactus can get diseased. Cactus matures in eight hours, 40 minutes and then can bear up to three cactus spines, which regrow just like fruit trees and bushes regrow…

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RS 3 CosPlay Competition

As you have several days left to make your costume better, you have high possibility to win armfuls of RuneScape stuff including 3 months of RS membership. Good luck to everyone who is going to enter and I can’t wait to see your outfits! If you need any runescape gold sale, Gold4fans welcomes for your…

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RS Choose Your Level Pouch of Guide

In this part of the guide, standard KB information is rearranged to help you select a useful familiar for your task more easily. Not all familiars or abilities included for space considerations, and many are mentioned in their appropriate skill posts. Also, please check the Knowledge Base for appropriate levels, charms, and shard amounts. Do…

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R3 Battle of Lumbridge

RuneScape 3 isn’t just about a graphical overhaul, although it would be sad to dismiss its visual improvements. The new version includes a customizable interface, six hours of new music, and lots of technical improvements. This ain’t your slightly-older-brother’s RuneScape, folks; RuneScape 3 is hip, happening, and live right now. The latest iteration of Jagex’s…

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